The Truth Baby

The Truth Baby
my favorite player

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Guy In Town

The other night while I was looking at the Celtics website for some news, I looked at the roster for this upcomming season and I saw a name I didn't recognize. His name was Lester Hudson, a rookie out of TMU, or Tennessee-Martin University. I decided that I wanted to see if he was a good player so I went on youtube and I found some videos of him and found out that he is a very good player. The Celtics are going to be very fortunate to sign him this season because he is lights out from downtown, like Ray Allen, and he can dunk it like KG, and he can make amazing passes like Rajon Rondo. Hudson is a 6 foot 3, 190 lbs guard who I think should back up Paul Pierce. Lester Hudson set numerous records at his college in the 2 years that he played there. For example, he scored 1,727 points in his 2 years at TMU, which was 2 points less than the all time scoring record, but that was set by a player who played there for 4 years instead of 2. So if he can scored all those points in that time, then I cant wait to see what he can do for the Celtics this year.

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