The Truth Baby

The Truth Baby
my favorite player

Monday, January 4, 2010

Winning....With Problems

The Celtics have been playing really good basketball lately, but are at a loss because Paul Pierce has an infection in his knee and hasn’t played in the last 2 games. They beat the Orlando Magic on Christmas Day 86-77 and then lost to the Los Angeles Clippers 92-90; which should not have happened at all. The Celtics are so much better than the Clippers and should have never lost and it was kind of sad to watch because they didn’t play well at all. But anyway, the game after that they lost to another bad team that they should have beat, the Golden state Warriors 103-99. Then they lost again to the Phoenix Suns who are good but not as good as the Celtics, 116-98. Then they finally got back on track when they beat the Toronto Raptors 103-96, and they won without Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Rajon Rondo. They only had two of their original five starter’s play which was Ray Allen and Kendrick Perkins. The other starters were Tony Allen, Eddie House, and J.R. Giddens. The Celtics bench played really well and got good games from Ray Allen, Eddie House, Glen Davis, Lester Hudson, and Tony Allen. Let’s see if they can keep the winning going this Wednesday when they play the Miami Heat in Miami at 7:30 pm.


  1. It's Pierce. You got to work on your spelling man. hah. It got sore after the christmas game and so he went to the doctor to have it checked out and he had to get fluid drained from it twice and the second time they went in to drain the fluid they found an infection in his knee.
