The Truth Baby

The Truth Baby
my favorite player

Monday, March 1, 2010


It's been awhile since I updated this blog. I have been pretty busy with school and sports and other classes and such, but now I'm back. Anyway, the Celtics have been really struggling as of late. They have dropped out of 1st place in the East, now 4th, still 1st in their division, and have also dropped low in the standings for best team in the league. They are now behind the Lakers, Nuggets, Mavs, and Magic. You know nothing is going good when a team who won the NBA championship 2 years ago, losses to a team that has a total of 5 wins the entire season. Yeah, the Celtics lost to the New Jersey Nets who had 5 wins going into the game and 48 loses. It was the most depressing game ever to watch and it makes me feel bad that I am a Celtics fan after watching that performance. It was pathetic and they really need to step up and stop looking forward to the playoffs. Doing that is going to screw them over in the long run. They need to worry about their games right now, not when they are in the playoffs. Anyway, the Celtics have also acquired a new player that goes by the name of Nate Robinson. They got him from the Knicks for Eddie House, Bill Walker, and J.R. Giddens. It is sad that they traded away Eddie House because he was loved alot in Boston and he was one of my favorite Celtic players. He had a great standing obation when he made his return to Boston when they played the Knicks. It was nice to see that. Same with Bill Walker and J.R. Giddens. So let's see if the Celtics can pick up their play and get back on the right track.

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